Weekendupdate met de laatste nieuwtjes

1 valk redden is strafbaar, 3000 vogels doden heet ‘duurzaam’
71% van gebruikers wil geen digitale ID op smartphone
AI herkent plastic in wereldzeeën
Airco of warmtepomp die aan de voorgevel gevestigd is, is geen vergunningsvrij bouwwerk
Baby’s met geelzucht thuis behandeld
De Jonge Specialist komt met anoniem meldpunt grensoverschrijdend gedrag
De slechtsten aan het roer
De zogenaamde ‘zelfreflectie’ van Tijs van den Brink
Dichterbij laat tienduizend zonnepanelen installeren op 155 daken
Dit is de invloed van koffie en thee op je mentale welzijn
Dolfijnen blijken nóg een superkracht te hebben
Een grote groep verzekeringsartsen wil zich afsplitsen van het UWV
Een ode aan Pepijn van Houwelingen, het beste niet-herkozen Kamerlid
Eenzaamheid onder ouderen blijft groeien
Europa rekent Gelderse boeren af op zeer oud vuil
Europarlementariër die sms’jes Von der Leyen met Pfizer boven tafel probeerde te krijgen plotseling overleden
Fascia – het bindweefsel dat je emoties vasthoudt en lichaam vormt
Finse minister – alles wijst erop dat Chinees schip met opzet pijpleiding beschadigde
Floortje Dessing emotioneel door dierenleed in slotaflevering
Grensoverschrijdend gedrag in het ziekenhuis herkenbaar voor Utrechtse geneeskundestudenten
Hebben de media bijgedragen aan de coronakloof in de samenleving?
Het aantal spoedritten van ambulances explodeert, ontdekte data-analist Wouter Aukema
Hoe vaak kun je een theezakje nu echt gebruiken?
Ik verloor vrienden door ruzies over corona
In koffiedik zit een stofje in dat beschermt tegen alzheimer en parkinson
Jongeren hebben door de coronapandemie een belangrijk deel van het leven gemist
Kabinet plunderde ongevraagd de staatskas voor ruim 40 miljard euro
Klokkenluider en EU-parlementslid Michéle Rivani overleden
Knagende vragen over Poelmann’s Postcode Loterij
Mexicaanse aliens bevatten onbekend DNA
Minister van Justitie gaat achter Pfizer aan
Niet-reanimerenpenning sneuvelt door stopzetten subsidie
Olie en vet voor je cholesterol?
Onderzoek naar crisismaatregelen na hoge energieprijzen
Oproep Fins parlement – verbied bontfokkerij
Pillen online bestellen zonder recept van de dokter om bijvoorbeeld beter te studeren of slapen
Rechtszaak tegen borstimplantatenbedrijf van start, eis tot 900 miljoen euro
Samen werken aan een beter zorgstelsel
Strijd om de kantoorkoffiebeker – herbruikbaar of toch wegwerp?
Teun maakt zich hard voor meer menselijkheid in dementiezorg
Uithaal naar ‘farizeeërs’ op klimaattop in Dubai
VN klimaatconferentie Dubai wil vleesconsumptie Westen beperken tot één hamburger per week
Voeding uit de fabriek moet gezonder, dat kan ook
Wat is er met deze doorbraak tegen kanker gebeurd?
Wat zijn de effecten van vergrijzing?
Wat ís elektromagnetische straling?
Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie hoeft niet te rekenen op Slowakije
WHO probeert Internationale Gezondheidsrichtlijnen stilzwijgend te wijzigen
Woonminister Hugo de Jonge (CDA) heeft met zijn ingrepen een ramp aangericht op de woningmarkt
Zijn we in de coronacrisis te hard geweest voor elkaar?

Leefbewust webwinkel

Natuurlijke multi
Omega 3 algenolie
Vitamine B complex
Vitamine B12
Vitamine C
Vitamine D

Internationaal nieuws

1 in Every 39 Americans Will Die of a Drug Overdose at Current Rate
3,900 Auto Dealers Warn EV Demand Crumbling
50 Years of Research Confirms Serious Health Risks Linked to This Food Additive
600 years of tree rings reveal climate variability in California, droughts and floods more severe and longer lasting than in the modern record
67% Of Scientific Papers Can Be Said To Reject The AGW Hypothesis
A mineral produced by plate tectonics has a global cooling effect
ADHD drugs linked to long-term heart risk
AI may aid in diagnosing adolescents with ADHD
AI-generated images map visual functions in the brain
ALARM as more than 30,000 Europeans die annually from SUPERBUGS triggered by pharmaceutical overuse and abuse
Antarctica’s Ancient Ice Sheets Foreshadow Dynamic Changes in Earth’s Future
Are Healthy Foods Automatically Sustainable, Too?
Artificial Intelligence as an Aid for Social Relationships for Individuals With ADHD
As plastic production grows, treaty negotiations to reduce plastic waste are stuck in low gear
Avian flu strikes large layer farms in Iowa, Ohio, Minnesota
BBC Report Uncovers Widespread Health Risks from Gas Flaring in the Gulf
Being child-free has been deemed ‘selfish’ for decades – the history of this misconception explained
Blue-green roofs can prevent stormwater run-off
Bottlenose dolphins can sense electric fields with their snouts
Can a Brazil-Africa Alliance Change Global Climate Politics?
Can science find a better way to trim a cat’s nails?
Can You Lose Weight on a Keto Diet?
Child pneumonia outbreak in some US states as similar illness surges in China
Children All Over The United States Are Starting To Develop “White Lung Syndrome”
Climate change risks upending global fight against malaria
Common headaches tied to neck inflammation
Commonly used pesticides are still harming bees
Conflicts Of Interest In Science. Influence, Scandal And Denial
Controversial claims about extinct humans are stirring up evolution research
Controversial study suggesting ozone hole isn’t recovering is skewed by bad data
COP28 – Another Rigged Game for the Fossil Fuel Industry?
Coronary heart disease before age 45 may increase risk of dementia later in life
Could CRISPR cure HIV someday?
Counting sheep, and their burps, may help lower global methane emissions
COVID vaccination linked to musculoskeletal disorders
COVID Vaccine May Cause Long-Term Heart Damage, Even in People With No Symptoms
Create national breast-implant registry to help prevent complications
Distinct brain activity triggered by memories of trauma
Does having children make you happier?
Dr Anthony Fauci FINALLY agrees to testify in front of House Republicans about Covid origins and his links to Wuhan bat lab
Drone fishing in South Africa is a danger to sharks
Earth to be hit by solar storms with flares so strong they could cripple global internet
Earth-like planets could form even in the harshest environments
Eating beans improves gut health, regulates immune and inflammatory processes in colorectal cancer survivors
Engineering the Global Coup, Part II with Dr. Jacob Nordangård
EPA proposes 10-year deadline for replacing lead pipes
EVs Have 80% More Problems Than Traditional Gas Vehicles
Exercise training improves obesity-related dementia
FDA now requiring drug companies to be more transparent about side effects in ads
Feeding the birds is not ‘anti-social behaviour’
Five Reasons Why Climate Skepticism And Dissent Are Important
Gazan Farmers Seize Opportunity of Ceasefire to Harvest Olives
Got a naturally sunny disposition? It might protect you from dementia as the years advance, new research shows.
Groundbreaking study of twins shows that going vegan DOES improve heart health
Harnessing the power of a parasite that can stop pain
Holistic Pelvic Care provides pain relief for some women, but doctors say it’s not for everyone
How Flour Type Affects Sourdough Starters
How Gen Z Differs From Previous Generations
How toxic air is affecting mental health in Rome
Iceland boss hits out at parent ‘exploitation’ in baby milk market
Impact of electromagnetic radiation on human and animal cells
Increasing Cold, Snow Cast Doubt Over Claims Of Rapid Warming As North Freezes
Is Karl Lauterbach replacing two-thirds of STIKO, the “independent” German vaccine advisory body
It Seems VAERS Has Been Running Cover For Big Pharma For Decades
Key Ingredient For Life Discovered in The Last Place Astronomers Expected
Long-Term Painkiller Use in Those Under 25 May Contribute to Mental Illness and Substance Misuse
Mean, Green, Antibody-producing Machines
Moderna mRNA technology vaccine-associated myocardial heart injury was more common than previously thought
More Americans ditched turkey for FAST FOOD on Thanksgiving
Move afoot in Congress to ban U.S. airports from secretly scanning passengers’ faces and indefinitely storing their personal biometric data
NASA scientists unveil risk of ‘lost’ asteroid hitting Earth in six years
Optimistic thinking linked with lower cognitive abilities
Pancreatic enzymes improve autism symptoms
Patients with improved discharge planning less likely to be readmitted, finds study
People with congenital heart disease are living longer — but facing new threat of heart failure
Pesticide Levels In The Body Are Significantly Reduced Six Days After Starting An Organic Diet
Phasing out fossil fuels could save millions of lives
Polluted air from rush-hour traffic increases blood pressure — even 24 hours later
Prenatal Stem Cells Treat Hemophilia A
Preparing our health systems for the future
Promoting regular exercise to protect brain health
Raising a child to 18 in the UK costs more than £200,000
Researchers decipher enzyme scissors of intestinal microbes
Romanian prosecutors are investigating the country’s former prime minister for spending $1 billion on Pfizer Covid jabs that were never used
Saline Now Recommended for Covid?
Saving Uganda’s mountain gorillas
Scientists create tiny biological robot “healers” assembled from human cells
Scientists raise alarm as bacteria are linked to mass death of sea sponges weakened by warming Mediterranean
Secret Warnings About Wuhan Research Predated the Pandemic
Social media ads are littered with ‘green’ claims. How are we supposed to know they’re true?
South African Company to Make Rings that Protect Against HIV
Study tests firefighter turnout gear with and without PFAS
Superabundant Energy | Alex Epstein, Marian Tupy, Amanda Stoker
Surge in ‘white lung syndrome’ after China is ordered to release more data
The Lord of “Vaccines” and the “Health Terrorist Ideology”
The Miracles of Human Cooperation Are Hidden in Plain Sight
The new ‘Chinese disease’ panic is upon us
The war crimes of Henry Kissinger
Tinnitus a response to auditory nerve damage not detected in hearing tests
Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Thousands of Private Wells Near U.S. Military Bases
Traces of cannabis found in pre-modern human bones for the first time
Unilever Faces Backlash Over 53 Billion Sachet Sales, Breaking Its Plastic Pledge
Western Public Health Unit finds vape stores surround suburban schools in Melbourne’s west
What’s Behind ‘Mystery Wave’ of Pneumonia Striking Children in China?
White lung pneumonia in children in America? Serious?
Why Is This ‘Erin Brockovich’ Chemical Still Unregulated?