Internationale videos 19 - 25 juni 2016

Video - It's time to make the streets our own | Renuka Tahiliani

In an increasing populous Mumbai, open spaces are almost non-existent. In this eye-opening talk, Renuka Tahiliani explains the importance of taking back what is ours, the streets, that are today infested with nothing but constant loud buzzing of cars. She's an activist who has fought authorities to give Mumbai 30 car-free sundays and is today an integral part of the equal streets movement.

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Video - Jessica's No Grain No Pain Story

Suffering with chronic autoimmune disease, Jessica had severe allergies, asthma, eczema, fungal infections, and overall poor health. She was under the care of 6 different doctors, on multiple medications, and couldn't keep weight on. She was down to 86 lbs, and some of her doctors accused her of being having bulimia. Jessica's testimonial to No Grain No Pain and functional medicine are empowering and will help others on their road to recovery.

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Video - Symptoms of thyroid problems - look at your hands

The symptoms of thyroid problems often manifest in the hands and fingers. In this short video, world leading nutritional expert and author or No Grain No Pain, Dr. Osborne demonstrates some very common physical abnormalities present in the nail beds and fingernails. If you have these types of findings on your hands and also suffer with fatigue, hair loss, low libido, dry skin, and unexplainable weight gain, you might want to visit with your doctor to have your thyroid evaluated.

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Video - Earthquakes Triggered by the Sun

This video explains, in SIMPLE terms, why we believe the sun causes earthquakes, and the challenge to the USGS to make major progress. Take a deep breath and be ready to see a glimpse of the future.

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Video - The Revolutionary Toilet That Could Rescue Millions From Poverty

A revolutionary toilet is making waves the world over. Self-composting, and requiring no drainage, the toilet already serves some 4 million people daily in India. What'?s more, it is empowering the country?'s poorest.

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Video - Looking Back At DuPont’s History of Poisoning Entire Cities

For the last two weeks – and probably for the next few weeks – Mike Papantonio has been in court facing off against DuPont. This is the second major DuPont trial that Pap has tried in the last 9 months over the company’s decision to pollute and poison an entire community with a chemical used in the manufacturing of Teflon. That chemical is known as C8, and it is a highly toxic chemical that causes severe adverse effects in people who are exposed to it, and the exposure continues for years since the chemical is biopersistent, meaning that it doesn’t get flushed out of the body.

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Video - Man jumps into water to save drowning dog in Peru

This drowning doggie is lucky to be alive after getting stuck in a canal in Peru. . Report by Hettie Maylam.

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Video - Mutant Food - A Blessing Or A Curse?

The vast grass plains of the Argentinian Pampas are slowly being transformed into a monoculture of genetically modified Soya crop. The mutant soya is resistant to harsh weed killers, which are now sprayed without care. Although profitable, the switch to Soya has left many unemployed, displacing people and animals and damaging the ecosystem.

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Video - Protecting the Ocean's Last Wild Places

The National Geographic Society and Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Enric Sala launched the Pristine Seas project in 2008 to identify, survey, protect, and restore the last truly wild places in the ocean. Through exploration, scientific research, economic and policy analysis, and outreach, we work to establish marine reserves where marine life can thrive—while ensuring that they will be effectively managed for years to come.

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Video - Romania's left behind children - BBC News

There are up to 350,000 left behind children in Romania – children with parents living and working abroad – according to estimates provided by Save the Children Romania. In around 40% of cases, both parents have left to work abroad. EU migration laws allow Romanian adults to travel across Europe to find well-paid work – something that has become increasingly difficult to obtain in Romania. The children they leave behind, often living with grandparents, can suffer.

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Video - Shocking Testimony About Vaccines

Shocking and brilliant testimony about the dangers of childhood vaccinations given to the United States government by concern citizens. On June 26, 2011 - these courageous (concerned) citizens came together in support of H1055 - a bill proposing to add "parent choice" to the options on whether your child should receive a vaccination or not.

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Video - Step into the world's first floating home

A firm in Dubai has developed three-storey floating homes complete with fish tank-style underwater rooms.

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Video - Tanzanian Albinos are Treated Like Animals in Their Own Country

In Tanzania attitudes towards albinos are dictated by tradition and prejudice, but now the albinos are fighting for their human rights.

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Video - Meet the victims of the Beijing Olympic development projects

Before the Olympics many buildings were demolished to make way for new malls, offices and apartments. Guo Guanyun?s street was totally destroyed. ?"Good buildings and bad ones, they'?re all demolished, whether people want to move or not, everyone has to go."? Residents are furious that they were evicted with nowhere to go and have not received proper compensation. They blame the government. ?Officials and gangsters are just the same.?

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Video - The Brain - A Limited Connection to the Universe | Tomás Lankenau

The brain goes far beyond being an organ of the human body. Tomas will go in depth into how it works and how it connects to other things.

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Video - The C8 Poisoning of Parkersburg, West Virginia by DuPont

The lawsuit against DuPont involving the chemical C8 states the company released millions of pounds of the chemical into the Ohio River and into the air from its plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia, causing thousands of persons to suffer injuries, including kidney and testicular cancer.

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Video - THE REALITY OF TRUTH Official Trailer (2016) Michelle Rodriguez, David Lynch Documentary HD

Featuring Michelle Rodriguez, under the guidance of Deepak Chopra, she explores how to tap into an alternative “true reality” through spirituality, meditation, and psychedelics.

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Video - Think For Yourself - David Icke with Iain Lee on talkRadio

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Video - This Will Clear Up Any Gluten Confusion!

Are you confused about what gluten is and how your body may react to it? Dr. Bob DeMaria, The Drugless Doctor, explains what gluten is and some of the surprising products it may be found in! He also discusses how your body may be dealing with it and what it can do to inhibit how your body gets its nutrients! Don't forget about gluten-free products! Dr. Bob will help you with what you should know about those. This will clear up any gluten confusion!

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Video - Your words may predict your future mental health | Mariano Sigman

Can the way you speak and write today predict your future mental state, even the onset of psychosis? In this fascinating talk, neuroscientist Mariano Sigman reflects on ancient Greece and the origins of introspection to investigate how our words hint at our inner lives and details a word-mapping algorithm that could predict the development of schizophrenia. "We may be seeing in the future a very different form of mental health," Sigman says, "based on objective, quantitative and automated analysis of the words we write, of the words we say."

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Video - A Brief History of Pain" by Drs. Naomi Goloff and Dominique Tobbell

1. Describe the main theories of pain from the 19th century to the present 2. Discuss the evolution of the treatment of pediatric pain to recent times

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Video - “Open Wide and Say Awe” | Katherine Maclean

Katherine MacLean, PhD's ground-breaking research on psilocybin and personality change suggests that this class of medicines may play an important role in enhancing mental health and creativity throughout the lifespan.

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Video - After the Spill Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Documentary HD

Ten years ago Hurricane Katrina devastated the coast of Louisiana. Five years later the Deepwater Horizon exploded and spilled more than 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the worst ecologic disaster in North American history. Amazingly those aren't the worst things facing Louisiana's coastline today. It is that the state is fast disappearing. When on Earth Day 2010 BP's Deepwater Horizon exploded and sank many in Louisiana predicted it would change the state's coastline forever, both its economy and its people. How has the coast changed in the past five years?

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Video - Air Force Vets and Plutonium Poisoning

In 1966, a B-52 bomber on a Cold War nuclear patrol exploded over Spain, releasing four hydrogen bombs. Fifty years later, Air Force veterans involved with the cleanup are sick and want recognition.

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Video - Appetite for Destruction - The Palm Oil Diaries - Trailer

The palm oil industry has papered over vast swathes of the planet, much of it valuable and ecologically diverse. Forty million tonnes are produced annually, and it can be found in 50% of all packaged foods. Travelling from Cameroon, to Guatemala, to Colombia the doc investigates what has catalysed this new industry and the social and environmental impact of it's exponential growth. This crafted doc questions whether palm oil is quite the Godsend that many initially thought it was?

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Video - Bad Food = Erectile Dysfunction (Oh No!) Jane Esselstyn RD

Some people have to take a little blue pill to be functional. Instead, take a little green veggie and cure the problem. Jane Esselstyn RN describes the cause of ED -- and the 100% cure is a plant-based diet.

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Video - Could Reducing These From Your Diet Help You Live Longer?

We hear that life expectancy will continue to increase by sometimes many years in the near future, and that technological advances will be a driving force behind that. But is there something we could do right now to increase our chances of a longer life? Dr. Terry Grossman discusses one thing that may help you live longer and healthier. Find out what it has to do with how much and what you eat. Could reducing these from your diet help you live longer?

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Video - Is Europe Doomed by Migrants?

Most of the millions of overwhelmingly male migrants who have come to Europe in the past two years are not refugees fleeing war zones. Douglas Murray discusses the total failure of Germany and other countries to integrate the migrants, and what the consequences will be. "If you have jobs in Germany that need filling, why on earth wouldn’t you fill them with the young people from Italy, Greece, Portugal and other European countries, who are unemployed at the moment?”

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Video - Creepy Giant Spider Crab Aggregation

Every year as the waters cool on the southern shores, hundreds of thousands of Giant Spider crabs find their way up on the sandy shallows Rye and Blairgworie in Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne Australia. This happens between May - July ever year and the result is a moving sea of orange crabs that blanket the shallows.

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Video - "The Hidden Path to Creativity" | Stephan Schwartz

Futurist Stephan A. Schwartz has researched the key elements that catalyze creativity and shares them with clarity that encourages us all to access our creative muse.

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Video - The Hell of Chronic Illness | Sita Sahasrabudhe

Sita's talk asks you to confront the issues surrounding chronic illness. She tells you firsthand about what it’s like to live with one and offers you a 3-point plan to help your spouse, children and co-workers with the lifelong challenges they experience with chronic illness.

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Video - Kundalini Yoga for Circulation and Detoxification by Snatam Kaur & Gurmukh

Gurmukh and Snatam Kaur come together again to teach this engaging Kundalini Yoga and meditation class together accompanied by incredible live music by Snatam Kaur, Thomas Barquee and Ramesh Kannan. This DVD contains a yoga class to for the lymph system, improving the body`s circulation, detoxification and immunity while also strengthening the abdominals. It is a great class for beginner`s and experienced yogis alike, and if you give it your all, you are sure to get an incredible work out!

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Video - FreeRaif - Light-bombing the Saudi embassy

A guerilla activist group in Berlin is shining light on the plight of jailed Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, who has spent the last four years in prison. DW joins PixelHELPER for a night-time protest.

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Video - Power and Promise of Biodiversity Harvard 2016

Biodiversity is the foundation of a healthy ecosystem. Biodiversity varies from habitat to habitat, but an abundance of different species in any habitat provides the resilience and strength necessary for a system as a whole to survive and to thrive despite the inevitable changes Mother Nature casts its way.

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Video - Jim Laurie 1 Power and Promise of Biodiversity Harvard 2016

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Video - Economic Globalization - Documentary on the History of Economic Globalization (Full Documentary)

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Video - Destroying the Lies of the American Empire

Gore Vidal was an American writer (of novels, essays, screenplays, and stage plays) and a public intellectual known for his patrician manner, epigrammatic wit, and polished style of writing.

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Video - Family farmers fight corporations in North Dakota

North Dakota is one of nine states with anti-corporate farming laws that ban large companies from engaging in agricultural production. North Dakota’s citizens recently voted overwhelmingly to keep those laws in place. RT America’s Alexey Yaroshevsky reports that despite the vote, the North Dakota Farm Bureau plans to fight the anti-corporate farming laws in court.

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Video - 7 Signs and Stages of a Body That's Too Acidic

Is your body out of pH balance? How do you know? Dr. Robert O. Young discusses seven signs or stages of acidosis, or increased acidity in the blood. Find out some of the warning signs and different levels of acidosis so you can try and reverse the trend! Learn the 7 signs and stages of a body that's too acidic!

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Video - A Chat with Prof. Peskin - Chapter by chapter insights

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Video - A Shark Showstopper | Animals Gone Wild

A great white shark puts on a show-stopping performance for a boat of tourists.

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Video - An Australian Initiative to Help Save the Rhino | Ray Dearlov

The current biodiversity crisis is sometimes described as the Holocene Extinction or the sixth extinction. By some scientific estimates, 140,000 species are lost every year. Can one person save a species? Ray Dearlove is counting on it, and he’s taking some very unconventional steps to make that happen - bringing the endangered white rhino to Australia, for a breeding program in the country’s remote areas.

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Video - Baking Soda Hang Over Cure Revealed

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Video - Ban Chemo? Listen to This!

How effective are the 'traditional' cancer treatments that are used today? Robert Scott Bell discusses chemotherapy and others and explains why they often are not solving the problem of cancer. Why are these things first line treatments in the first place and what should be done with them. What about a ban on chemo? Listen to this video!

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Video - The Hidden Story of Cancer Interview - Episode 100

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Video - Big Decision on Net Neutrality

The FCC won in a 2-1 decision at the US Court of Appeals to uphold net neutrality regulations. Despite the win for the FCC and consumers, the fight isn't over. AT&T is already planning to fight the decision and bring it to the Supreme Court.

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Video - Circle Of Poison - Trailer

When the US government bans a pesticide - deeming it too harmful for the American people - you would imagine that to be the end of it. What you would not expect is it to then be exported freely aboard for profit. In recent years countless harmful pesticides have been spread around the world's less-developed nations, causing immeasurable damage to populations and ecosystems: many are then imported back into the United States on infected foodstuffs, creating a Circle of Poison.

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Video - Dangerous WiFi kills sperm, slows ant movement and kills watercress

Research has shown that WiFi damages sperm, slows ant mobility and kills watercress seeds. What REALLY does it do to human health over a long period of time?

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Video - Diet, the Gut Microbiome, and Autism

Are autism-related social behaviors in offspring related to mom's diet? Mauro Costa-Mattioli and his colleagues of Baylor College of Medicine explain a potential link through the gut microbiome in this video.

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Video - Digestion, Gut Microbiome Probiotics & Prebiotics -- Russell Jaffe

Antibiotics Lay Waste to our Microbiome. This is well explained in When Antibiotics Fail: Restoring the Ecology of the Body, a book by Mark Lappe’ and in Michael Schmidt’s work. You need to work intensively replenishing every day for 3 to 6 months after antibiotic exposure using multiple healthy organisms, fermented food and active supplements.

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Video - Shanghai Tower (650 meters)

Today we will show you how to climb on second tallest building in the world. Shanghai Tower, China.

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Video - Milo Yiannopoulos Censored On Twitter

In this video Luke Rudkowski covers how twitter just suspended Milo Yiannopoulos twitter account and at the same time allows ISIS to use their social media platform.

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Video - Brian Peskin - Rain Grand Convention 2014

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Video - China's 79-year-old fitness guru performs two-finger push-ups

An elderly man in central China’s Henan province has become an idol to many fitness enthusiasts for his energetic workout routines.

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Video - Emily Schromm - 'Body By Butter'

Emily Schromm is a certified personal trainer, CrossFit Coach, and nutritional therapy practitioner based in Denver, Colorado.

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Video - Exposing India's Illegal Baby Trade

Over the past couple of decades, hundreds of Indian children have been kidnapped and sold to Western countries. Despite the exposure of the illegal baby trade, Indian authorities seem powerless to stop it.

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Video - Exposing the UN's Toxic Death Camp for Gypsies

Nine years ago the UN chose to house 150 gypsy families, also known as Roma, in UN refugee camps next to Europe?s largest lead mine. Lead poisoning is now slowly killing them off - children first.

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Video - Food Forensics book trailer (Health Ranger)

Official trailer for the upcoming Food Forensics science book by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. Order now at

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Video - Global Warming - Reality or Myth?

As the Copenhagen summit thrust global warming into the world spotlight, Britain's leading environmental commentator locked horns with one of the world's most high-profile sceptics.

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Video - I Was Wrong About Global Warming - Prof Richard Muller

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Video - Disobedience (2016 Documentary)

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Video - Gluten free foods - are they healthy or a fraud?

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Video - Gut Dysbiosis - Starving Our Microbial Self

Inadequate consumption of prebiotics—the fiber and resistant starch concentrated in unprocessed plant foods—can cause a disease promoting imbalance in our gut microbiome.

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Video - Has This Village in Laos Sold Its Soul to the Tourism Industry?

The beautiful village of Vang Vieng in Laos has become a haven for backpackers. Yet the abundance of drugs and cheap liquor results in several lives being lost every year. Has Vang Vieng sold its soul?

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Video - Have The Pakistani Government Made Thousands Of People Vanish?

Thousands of Pakistanis have gone missing since the start of the war on terror. It is believed that they?re illegally detained by Pakistan?s intelligence services and not even the government can intervene.

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Video - Increasing Dangers with Antibiotics Use!

So many people have become used to going to the doctor and walking out with a prescription any time they have an ailment. That has led to antibiotic overuse, which causes more serious problems. Naturopath Ann Boroch discusses the danger with antibiotic overuse and offers some alternatives when you likely have something other than a bacterial infection. Learn the increasing dangers with antibiotics use!

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Video - Intermittent Fasting, Muscle Loss & Growth Hormone

Dr. Berg talks about intermittent fasting and muscle loss. It is a myth that you will lose muscle mass if you do intermittent fasting simply because intermittent fasting spikes growth hormone (GH) and GH protects your proteins. GH is called a protein sparer.

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Video - Interview - Prof. Dr. Wim Teughels

• What led him into the field of probiotics • The most important findings with L. reuteri Prodentis within oral health • Potential new indication areas for L. reuteri Prodentis in patients with gum disease

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Video - Is there a slave in your food? | Jules Ku-Lea

Worldwide, 27 million people are trapped in slavery. Slavery lurks inside our refrigerators and pantries. Almost every product we consume has a hidden dark history. Jules was mortified when she learned that some of her favourite foods were built on the backs of slaves. Now she is spreading awareness to reduce this barbaric act.

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Video - Our False Reality

As long as people remain asleep, those who seek power and control will continue to manipulate and engineer the masses, right down to the structure of our very reality.

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Video - Fox News Caught Telling The Truth About Founding Fathers Of United States Being Black

It is very rare that Fox News report something that gives black people the respect that they deserve. Lets just call a spade a spade, Fox News is probably the most racist television station not only on earth, but in the universe. They might as well have the Ku Klux Klan as news reporters. But even in darkness, sometimes light can shine through. Well what exactly are we talking about?

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